Sunday, June 6, 2010

Creativity is not Forgotten!!!

Creativity and Innovation

This standard is one, that I was glad to see on the NETS-S!! A lot of the time, when it comes to standards and curriculum in schools, I feel that creativity is left out. So to see this as one of the first standards was refreshing. Creativity is ultimately the students taking something that they know or have learned, and putting their own personal spin on it. I wish that within many of my high school classes, and even many of my undergraduate classes had more of this. Instead they were plain and dry, with little creativity.

The other standards, are well explained which is great because that made them easier to understand and follow. The only standard that I would possibly not be completely ready for would be the one that deals with the technological operations and concepts. This is something that could be learned, but I currently do not have this information.

The shift from school/classroom 1.0 to 2.0 is great, in a simple phrase! With new technologies, this is a way for students to become more interested in their work. The new 2.0's allow for the students and teachers creativity to shine, as well as their intellects. The 2.0's are also very interactive, which allows for students to interact with other students, parent, and teachers. 2.0's are common use in today's world, so to allow students to use it for educational purposes is a great way to introduce them to it, especially at an early age.

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