Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Final Reflection

Having been apart of this class for the past four weeks, I have discovered that there are many new technologies that I have am unaware of. I thought that I was computer literate, but was wrong. There is too much new information developing each and everyday, to be up to date with all of it. This class has opened my eyes to some of these new technologies, and I hope to keep up with the new and developing technology.

Another piece of information that I have taken away from this class is just how important it is to incorporate technologies into the classroom for the students. Students are different then they were ten or twenty years ago. They thrive on technology and are better equip to use and develop the technology.

This class has overall been an awakening as to how technology can be used to better one's class and classroom. I am grateful that I have been exposed to these technologies, and hope to keep up with the new technologies as they come out.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your thoughts. I also thougth I knew a lot about computers, but really I only knew little to almost none in order to run a classroom. It is true that students are very different from even when we were in elementary, so placing and using computers more is something all teachers should start to do. It will only help our future students!
